Democrats and Republicans

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Democrats 1) Refuse to stand up to the Palestinians. There will never be peace in the middle east as long as Yassir Arafat and other terrorists are not fully and universally condemned. Even the slightest bit of softness or compassion for terrorists perpetuates their horrible acts and inspires followers. 2) Stand up for illegal aliens. Illegal aliens have nothing to do with immigrants. Illegal aliens have nothing to do with race. Illegal aliens have to do with …

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…set on everyone in the nation. Pre-marital sex has always happened. Smoking pot is not shooting heroine. Someone with a drug problem is no worse than someone with an alcohol problem. Homosexuals are a fact of nature and always have and will exist. And none of what other people do in regard to any of these things is your business anyway. They are personal matters for free Americans to deal with in their own ways.