Democracy vs Dictatorship: Case studies.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
"Freedom is to society what health is to the individual." [Lord Bolingbroke]. A society without freedom ultimately jeopardizes the well being of its citizens and social prosperity. When deciding to what extent governments should be involved in society, the following questions must be addressed: What methods are in place to keep the government accountable? Is open dissent against the government permissible? Are minorities treated fairly, or are they suppressed? Asking these questions spawned two different …

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…rights of Canadian citizens temporarily. This helped apprehend all members of the FLQ, because they were able to arrest them even if they were only suspected of being involved. After the terrorist activity stopped and all original members were in custody, the War Measures Act was removed and all rights were restored to Canadian Citizens. Although too little control in society can be detrimental, there are certain acts in place to restore order when needed.