Demeter and Persephone

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Have you ever wandered how our seasons came about? It all has to do with the two major goddesses, Demeter, who is the goddess of the grain and harvest, and Persephone, the goddess of spring also queen of the underworld. Demeter is the daughter of Cronus and the titaness Rhea. Persephone who happens to be the daughter of Demeter, is also the daughter of the almighty Zeus. Demeter and Persephone have many powers. They both …

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…must spend one third of every year living in the underworld with Hades and two thirds above ground with Demeter. In the underworld, Persephone became the wife of Hades and Queen of the underworld. It is said that Persephone came to love the cold blooded king but Demeter, however was consumed with rage and sorrow. These two goddesses should forever be remembered because they created our seasons and are an important part of our history.