Dell's Long Term Objectives: Strategy Formulation and Implementation

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Environmental Analysis of Dell Organization Dell's external environment identifies all the current conditions and forces that affect its strategic options and define its competitive situation. It consists of three main sectors: the Remote Environment, the Industry Environment, and the Operating Environment. All of these environmental sectors affect the firm's operations both on an international and domestic level. Remote Environment In recent years the computer hardware industry has experienced a slight decrease in profits. Most of …

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…p1-10, 10p. Retrieved February 18th,2006 from Ebscohost Database Business Source Premier Lee, L., Burrows, P., and Einhorn, B. (2005) Dell May Have To Reboot In China. Business Week, 00077135, Issue 3958. Database: Academic Search Premier. Tough, M. ( 2006). Creating a Mission and Vision Statement. In the Sideroad. Retrieved February 17th, 2006, from Http://