Delinquent Law

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Original law of the Illinois juvenile court defined a delinquent as: a child under the age of sixteen years who has violated any laws of the state, or any city or village ordinance. Under the common law, children between the ages of 7 and 16 years of could be dealt with as delinquent. Today in 37 states and in the District of Columbia, juvenile courts are initially responsible for all violations committed by youth under the age …

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…and to harass their neighbors. Gangs are beginning to show up in communities where they have not been seen before. Gangs are not going away, it is believed that a national crime syndicate built by the larger African American and Latino Gangs was established in Kansas City on April 1993. It is believed that this syndicate will divide the country up into drug territories while still allowing the small gangs to continue to fight amongst themselves.