Dehumanization: The Holocaust & Slavery

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Dehumanization: The Holocaust & Slavery Maus, by Art Spiegelman, brought a renewed sense of Holocaust consciousness to the American public. It also introduced the topic of dehumanization to new audiences because of its accessibility as a comic-book narrative. Dehumanization can be defined as the deprivation of an individual's human qualities, personality, or spirit. This process transpired for many years, to many innocent people for no logical or intelligent reason during the Holocaust. The prisoners of the …

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…Learning about past actions from readings such as Maus and Incidents In the Life of A Slave Girl is an incredible avenue for allowing people to see what effects dehumanization has on those it violates. Until people can put forth the effort to reflect on the past and commit to not allowing such horrid actions occur, the world will not become a place for all, it will be a place for the privileged. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**