Degeneration of The kids on the island.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Since the beginning of time, savagery has existed inside of humankind. As time and people have become more civilized the desire to kill mitigates to nothing more than entertainment. In Lord of the Flies we could see that man can quickly revert to a savage life style if placed into a hostile environment. The boys in the novel begin as civilized children who obey the laws they were taught their whole lives. Upon arriving on …

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…style if he is put into a hostile environment. The novel "Lord of the Flies" bases itself on civilized and savage behavior. Civilized behavior means to be aware of your surroundings and to care for them and to sacrifice certain pleasures to attain them, and to help others. The island is a microcosm of the world we live in today. Greed, power and domination are all factors today as well as in the story line.