Deforestation in Brazil

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
There are many environmental issues that are a concern in the world today. One in particular is deforestation. Nowhere on earth is the threat of biological impoverishment because of deforestation greater than in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. The Amazon supports approximately 300 million hectares of tropical forest, the largest single area of tropical forest communities in the world. Deforestation of this land leads to serious consequences not only for the country of Brazil, but for …

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…Deforestation is a major issue in Brazil. The destruction of the Amazon can lead to many unfortunate consequences not only for that country, but for the entire world. This horrible practice can lead to the end of many species and cause many other problems such as global warming. Although to end deforestation would take a large effort by the government of Brazil, it must be done in order to ensure survival for the human race.