Defining Marketing Paper

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
This paper will present my personal definition as well as two other sources found on the Internet. I will explain the importance of marketing and its role in organizational success. I will then give real-world examples that will support my explanation regarding marketing. Marketing has been a term that can have several meanings for me. It can mean advertising, where campaigns are devised to sell a product or service to the mass consumer market. It …

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…evolved from Henry Ford's era of production-focused marketing manufacturing only one model automobile in one color, black, the current marketing focuses on customer's desires and needs and in the process, delivering big profits for those organizations willing to trust consumers taste rather than the other way around. References: offers definitions that are updated and revised often. ( Waller, J. (2006, January). Marketing With a Master Plan. Qualified Remodeler, (32)1, p48.