Defining Australia

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Essay Database > History
The post-war period was a time when Australia crystallised its culture, beliefs and practices into a concept called "The Australian Way of life". This concept provided a common understanding for Australians at an uncertain time. It can be seen as a reaction to various events and influences from the post war period and its adoption, in turn, influenced post war immigration policies and attitudes towards immigration. This will be examined by considering a number of …

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…C(1988) Sanctuary. Allen and Unwin, Sydney. Rickard,J.(1988) Australia, A cultural History .Longman:UK. Tavan, G (1997) "'Good Neighbours': community organisations, migrant assimilation and Australian society and culture, 1950-196o" in J. Murphy and J. Smart (ed) The forgotten fifties: aspects of Australian society and culture in the 1950s, Melbourne; Melbourne University Press. Ward, R (1987(1958)) The Australian Legend, Melbourne: Oxford University press White, R (1979) The Australian Way of Life" in Historical Studies Vol.18/ No73, pp528-545.