Define: "Necessity is the mother of invention."

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
"Necessity is the Mother of Invention." The quote, "Necessity is the mother of invention," is a pretty well known saying. Like most quotes, they can have different meanings for different people. To me, this quote means that without ever having to need anything, nothing would have been invented. Without necessity, the need for new inventions, such as the fire or even the television, may have never been found or even thought of. Also, with the …

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…hysterical that tears were coming from their eyes. Clearly, since our invention of our "Family Game Night" the need for everyone to have some fun and relax was finally solved. The need for some things can bring about new inventions, which can be fun and very rewarding. Even during hard times and times when everyone can't seem to relax, new inventions can bring some long needed entertainment. That's why "Necessity is the mother of invention."