Declaration of Independence

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Essay Database > History
1. Give a brief description of following events that led to the ratification of the Declaration of Independence: The Stamp Act of 1765, the Townshend Acts of 1767, and the Boston Tea Party of 1773. The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first major controversy between Great Britain and its North American colonies began over the Stamp Act. The act placed tax on all paper products. Britain felt the act was justified, since it needed money to support military undertakings …

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…chance to start a government in which the people had say over what would happen in their town. The Declaration was just the document stating the cause for the declaring of independence. C. How many representatives gave their signed consent to the Declaration on July 4 1776? Fifty-six people gave their signed consent. List the thirteen colonies. Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, Delaware, Maryland, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.