Decision Making of Successful Managers

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TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. DECISION MAKING III. RATIONALITY AND BOUNDED RATIONLITY IV. INTUITION AND EMOTION V. CONCLUSION VI. REFERENCES VII. BIBLIOGRAPHY I. INTRODUCTION Today's organizational life is typified by chaos, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Managers and employees encounter constant change in their jobs, for example, an organization or department restructure, or perhaps a merger or de-merger, a leadership change, a business improvement change initiative, a conflict between employees, or even several of these all …

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…Edition, Prentice Hall. Selly, M.S. and Forman, E.H. (2002), Decision by Objectives, World Scientific Pub Co. Simon, H. (1960), The New Science of Management Decision, Harper and Brothers, New York. SIMON, H. (1987), Making management decisions: the role of intuition and emotion. Academy of Management Executive, February. Whitney, J. (1994), The Trust Factor: Liberating Profits and Restoring Corporate Vitality, McGraw-Hill Trade, New York. Zey, M. (1992), Decision Making : Alternatives to Rational Choice Models, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, California.