Deciding for the bomb
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Essay Database > History
Deciding for the Bomb
There are many reasons that the Atomic bomb was used on Japan. There are many that criticize the bombing, but I support it. The main reasons for President Harry Truman decided to drop the bomb were, to save lives (American Lives), to bring about a quicker resolution to the war, and to send a message to the world that we now had military supremacy. Growing up in a military family, (with
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weaponry, which they could not match. A final reason we dropped the bomb was to win the urban-proverbial pissing contest. It sent a message to the world that we now had a military might of a new unseen kind. This would lead to years of tension between world super powers. The dropping of the bomb started the pissing-contest that would result in an absurd race for destructive power, but a race we could not escape.
weaponry, which they could not match. A final reason we dropped the bomb was to win the urban-proverbial pissing contest. It sent a message to the world that we now had a military might of a new unseen kind. This would lead to years of tension between world super powers. The dropping of the bomb started the pissing-contest that would result in an absurd race for destructive power, but a race we could not escape.