Death of a Salesman: The Tragic Anti-Hero of Willy Loman

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
"A hundred years from now, it will not matter what type of car I drove, or what kind of house I lived in, or the amount of money I made, yet the world might be changed because I made a positive difference in the life of a child." This increasingly popular statement raises a question for those who might hear it: how does one impact a child's life for the better? A most obvious response …

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…he should. As a result, his death is the final confirmation of his failed life, and reiterates everything that is stressed in Miller's play. Truly, success could never be achieved in his life, even if he had made multitudes of sales. By giving up his dreams and true desires, Willy Loman died long before he crashed his car, and that led him to become every bit the failure that he will always be remembered as.