"Death of a Salesman" Is Willy a tragic hero? Does he have a tragic flaw? discussion

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I did not find Willy to be a tragic hero- according to Aritstotle he would of been a man who enjoys great reputation and good fortune. Willy had neither of these. I found him to be irresponsible, unable to live in his reality- cheating on his wife- somone who would rather borrow money from Charley- a friend than to work for him. I feel that he took the easy way out by killing himself. He …

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…salesman. In a modern sense, Willie fits the role as tragic hero better than a king or nobleman could because his character is so affecting. I can relate to his dreams, loss of dreams, struggle for success, and his limitations better than I could relate to nobility. His place in the world is that of a working class, which most Americans fit into, but it is his struggles and fears he transcends all social barriers.