Death of a Salesman - American Parody by:Arthur Miller

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Death of a Salesman "The American Dream" In 1949 Arthur Miller wrote the play, Death of a Salesman. The play is an example of the American Dream and how people view this way of life as their only measure of success. The aim of this essay is to explain in what ways this statement can be proved to be true and what is the American Dream to Willy Loman? But at first, what is the American …

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…They can't even imagine not having money and that's all they think and talk about. They also talk about the things they buy with there money which to them means they are living an American Dream. To me an American Dream means having a roof over my head, a job that will sustain my basic needs of living and a spouse who will not be a materialistic person. To me that is the American Dream.