Death of Mozart

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
For the past two hundred years, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's death has been shrouded in mystery. Some say his great rival, Antonio Salieri, or the Freemasons murdered him. Others say he was simply exhausted. And some believe he died from sickness. It has been established that Mozart suffered from various illnesses, which no doubt contributed to his death. But some researchers have concluded that physical and mental exhaustion greatly affected Mozart, and contributed to his early …

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…have shown that each successive attack weakens the heart, and a final serious bout with the disease could have been the final blow for Wolfgang’s heart. After studying all the evidence supporting the disease theory, I have concluded that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart probably died from a serious illness, more specifically rheumatic fever. Although this is the most convincing theory, there will always be disagreement about the death of the world’s greatest composer, Mozart.