Death: The High Price of Life

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
For some murderers, the only justice is death. For instance, take the case of "Bonzai Bob" Vickers. He is on death row for the murder of his jailhouse cellmate, Frank Ponciano. "Feeling wronged because Ponciano had taken his Kool-Aid...Vickers stabbed his victim to death then carved "Bonsai" into Ponciano's back. Vickers's only regret is that he didn't get to carve a swastika beside the misspelled Japanese war cry" (Leibowitz 142). Four years later, "After a …

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…in the 21st century. "Works Cited" Bower, Bruce. "Teens Brains on Trial." Science News May 2004: 299-301 "Executing the Mentally Retarded." Editorial. America 29 Apr. 2002: 3 Fellner, Jamie. "Beyond Reason: The Death Penalty and Offenders with Mental Retardation." Human Rights Watch Report Mar. 2001: 113-133 Hall, Michael. "Death Isn't Fair." Texas Monthly Dec. 2002: 122-134 Leibowitz, David. "Capital Punishment Is Just." Problems of Death: Opposing <Tab/>Viewpoints." Ed. Laura K. Egendorf. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2000. 140-145.