Death Penalty: why it is moral and humane.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The Death Penalty For several decades the death penalty has been a litigious issue. Numerous intellectuals as well as the general public often debate the morality of capital punishment and whether or not it should be legal. The death penalty should be legal because of the theory of "an eye for an eye", how it helps in reducing murders, and the fact that the death penalty is not inhumane. Though there is no question in …

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…help to the stranded motorist was a very human reaction."(page 528). Murder is not a natural human reaction; it is one of an animal. Once a person loses his or her status as a human being, they no longer have the rights of a human being nor should they be treated like a human being. The death penalty should be legal in every country to stop the spread of revolting insane animals running the streets.