Death Penalty is vengeance.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Supreme Court
The only purpose for the death penaly is vengeance. I think vengeance is a very personal feeling, and I don' think itis something that a civiized govenment should take part of. The death penalty does little to prevent crime. The death penalty i the fear of apprehension and the likely prospect of swift and easy punihment that supposedly provides the largest deterrent to crime. The death penalty however actually hinders the fight against crime. "I …

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…their personal career and power than about the safety of their citizens. Therefore, they make themselves popular by providing the most popular "solutions" to the problems such as stronger penalties, more death penalties, faster executions, etc. However, these ideas are not only ineffective, but cost a lot of the tax-payers money and by doing so they neglect the numerous surveys showing that the death penalty does not have a greater deterrent effect than life sentencing.