Death Penalty, confusing

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
DEAD MAN WALKING Death Penalty Makes No Sense By Teresa Brasch For RLST 2115 EL-01 The Development of Western Morality Dianne Norman Inspired by true events the film, DEAD MAN WALKING, is the story of a spiritual woman who must face the results of a vindictive nation. She is asked by a condemned (to die) man for spiritual counseling. The man in question, Mathew Poncelet has been tried by a justice system, which is accountable to …

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…sociological equity may involve hate or pure duty. Everyone must deal with it in his or her own personal way according to the justice system in place. Work Cited Runes, Dagobert D, Pictorial History of Philosophy (Philosophical Library, Inc. 1959) Works Consulted Blackburn, Simon, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy (Oxford University Press 1994) Robinson, Dave, Chris Garratt, Introducing Ethics (text, Dave Robinson 1996, Illustrations, Chris Garratt 1996) Robinson, Simon, Judy Groves, Introducing Philosophy (text, Dave Robinson 1998, Illustrations, Judy Groves 1998)