"Dear Mom: A Snipers Vietnam" by By Joseph T. Ward.

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The title of my book is Dear Mom: A Sniper's Vietnam. The author's name is Joseph T. Ward. Ward grew up in a town very much like Monroeville. He and his friends didn't know what they were going to do after high school so they joined the marines. The biography is written about Joseph T. Ward. He was hard working and intelligent person. He was presented in the book as a person who liked to …

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…going to kill themselves then to do it with a razor and not waste a marine bullet. I believe Joseph Ward was a great soldier, and I admire him very much. I think he was significant in comparison to other people because of all the lives he saved and how compassionate he was to the people of Vietnam. I've learned that you can still be a good person even in the midst of great hardship.