Dealing with Injustice

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Historically people created different religions, nationalities, languages, cultures, believes, idols, communities to distinguish themselves from other group of people. Certainly, people can also be divided into different groups, among which are black and white, male and female, short and tall, hairy and bold, one type of blood or other. Yes, there are differences in our appearances, behavior, and culture, but people have more in common than any other living creatures. People are the most intelligent …

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…also have to be more tolerable toward each other and except our differences. I believe that if we support each other differences there will be no wars, not genocides, no hate, no injustice. All these negative and unpleasant aspects of human relationships will simply vanish and we all can for one more time say that we are the most intelligent creatures in the world. We cannot live in civilized society by "laws of jungle" anymore.