Dealing With Stress

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Dealing With Stress Stress is a word many people can relate to, either through school, traffic, or work. It is an everyday thing everyone has to deal with no matter who he or she might be. Ultimately, if not properly dealt with, stress may in some extreme cases, even lead to death. Stress can be dealt with in various ways. If not dealt with in a positive matter, stress will lead to negative results. Therefore, …

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…so can work. There are many ways of dealing with all this stress, such as dropping out of school, resorting to road rage, and reacting with anger towards other workers. The positive ways of dealing with such things can be from leaving a few minutes earlier for your destination to just planning out your everyday activities. Positively dealing with stress will help in clearing the mind and help in making life a more pleasant experience.