Deaf Culture and perspectives regarding deaf culture: Medical verse Cultural

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In recent years (beginning as early as 1980 with increased awareness of and acceptance of American Sign Language) it has become clear that one can adopt either of two opposing perspectives when interacting with the Deaf Community. While these perspectives have been given different names or labels by different authors and researchers, we will refer to the differing perspectives as the "pathological model" and the "cultural model." It is essential to understand which of these perspectives …

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…of relating to the world is visual and who share a language that is visually received and gesturally produced. Deciding which view of Deaf people you hold is crucial for it will, in large measure, determine the relationship you have to, and with, the Deaf Community. Your attitudes towards the Community's language and its culture determine your perspective towards Deaf people. You will hold either a medical/pathological or cultural view of the Deaf Community.