Davis Love III

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Davis Love III After a long wait, Davis Love III finally shed the title of "best player never to have won a major yet" by making it to the winner's circle in the 1997 PGA Championship at Winged Foot. The 32-year-old Love shot a 4-under 66 in the final round to finish at 11-under, five strokes ahead of Justin Leonard. As Love made his final stride up the 18th fairway, a rainbow appeared. Interestingly enough, a rainbow …

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…North and South Amateur and the Atlantic Coast Conference Championship at North Carolina, and is often found on the links with college friend and aspiring pro golfer Michael Jordan. Aside from golf, his interests include hunting, fishing, and stock car racing. His favorite sports teams are the Atlanta Braves and the North Carolina Tar Heels. As an active member in the community, Love conducts an annual charity event for Safe Harbor each fall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**