David Strorm, character from "THE CHRYSALIDS" by John Wyndham

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A beautiful city, clustered with things from inside his head, things he had never seen before, was what the young boy dreamt of. At ten years old, David met Sophie, a special young girl, taking in every detail very clearly about her. David seemed to have an attitude much more mature than his years should have brought. This may have been because he didn't feel he really had any one to truly confide in because …

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…the fringes and with the help of Sealanders, to freedom. David doesn't lead an easy life, but was blessed with the intelligence to deal with the situations accordingly. He is a responsible, loyal young man who deserved a better life, but may have never become what he did if he had the easy life. David now lives with Rosalind, Petra and the Sealanders in Sealand, and they are awaiting the return of Michael and Rachel.