David Sarnoff Mass Broadcasting

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Introduction David Sarnoff was a pioneer of mass broadcasting. He was born at a pivotal time in history and grew up as new technologies were beginning to be invented. But David Sarnoff took the dreams of inventors and saw beyond them to a future that no one but he could have imagined. He is responsible for the development of radio and TV as we know it today. Sarnoff developed radio and TV networks and regarded …

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…that it must be harnessed. Sarnoff retired as RCA chairman in 1970 and died the following year. RCA became a conglomerate before finally being taken over by General Electric in 1986. Sarnoff always had a vision for the future and now seems a man of incredibly prophetic powers. I hope to become a good media manager and planner, like Sarnoff. I think that having engineering knowledge will be very important, in addition to having business management knowledge.