David M. Kennedy's book "Freedom from Fear".

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Between 1929 and 1945 the American people and their political leadership faced r two overwhelming challenges. If events had gone in other directions, our century could have been quite different. In a brilliant description of complexity in American history, Stanford University historian David M. Kennedy recreates that crucial period in Freedom from Fear. This book includes political, economic, diplomatic, social, and military history. In Freedom From Fear: the American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945, the first …

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…social and economic improvement from the Depression crisis. Kennedy also offers a forceful description of America's engagement in World War II, including explanations of how and why America won, and the lasting consequences of American victory. Covering what are the most influential years of the 20th century, Freedom From Fear is an exciting tale about the foundations of modern America. This book vividly captures the spirit of those 17 years of struggle that changed America forever.