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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
PSALM 51 PRAYER OF REPENTANCE Background: This is a prayer of confession of David. We all know David. David was a man close to God, yet he sinned gravely. Once he saw a beautiful woman bathing, named Bathsheba. Bathsheba was already married to Uriah. Nevertheless David took her in and committed adultery. To make matters worst, David plotted the death of Uriah. (See II Samuel 11:2-27). So indirectly, David also committed the sin of murder. God …

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…it to be honest before men? (For growth of our spiritual life.For growth of our character- humility, etc. For growth of our personal relationship). Remember: "The higher our position, the deeper our humility should be". CONCLUSION: Whenever we sin, our only recourse is to confess and cry out "Lord, forgive me". No excuses or alibis. What our Lord wants is a broken and contrite heart. Then He restores within us joy and right spirit.