Daughters failing relationship with her father.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
When you are a child, a father's love is one of the most precious gifts. He is someone you look up to, someone you feel safe with, someone you hold dear to your heart. Fathers are the ones that take you to the park and push you endlessly on the swing till you cant go any higher. Your father is the one who looks at you as if you're the one great light in his …

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…He smiles at me and strokes my face. I look up and stare at him. "I love you," he says, he lowers his face towards me and kisses me on the forehead. I feel a rush of contentment, happiness and joy for the first time in months. " I know" I reply and as I look into my fathers big brown eyes I know what he is feeling. And for that moment we understand each other.