Dating in the workplace: Do employers have the right to regulate the social activities of their employees?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Many couples' meet in the workplace because that is where many people spend the majority of their waking hours. The workplace is also a great place to get to know other people that may have similar interests. However, there is a catch. Rapid increases in sexual harassment lawsuits by employees have left employers scrambling to protect themselves. Therefore, workplace protections against sexual harassment have grown much stronger in recent years. What types of situations are …

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…relationship ends?" It is a difficult question to ask at the beginning of a relationship, but is one that the employees need to consider. In conclusion, when dealing with employees in the civilian sector, I would choose to implement the disclosure policy. I feel that it is the more acceptable solution for all involved. It is virtually impossible to "outlaw" dating in the workplace, and this solution benefits both the employer and the employee equally.