Data Collection and Descriptive Research for ISO 9000:2000 Compliance Case Study

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Data Collection and Descriptive Research for ISO 9000:2000 Compliance at ImageStream ImageStream Internet Solutions, Inc. is a privately held company in its 9th year of operation. ImageStream engineers, manufactures, and distributes Linux-based routing products for network and Internet applications. ImageStream products are used by Internet service providers (ISPs), governments, schools, and businesses in more than 75 countries around the world. As ImageStream moves toward its next decade, market forces require it, like most high technology companies, to …

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…integral to ImageStream's daily operations and success. Without the objective data provided by this research and data collection methodology, ImageStream would not attain ISO 9000:2000 QMS certification, or, more importantly, ensure its continued viability in an increasingly competitive network infrastructure equipment market. References Cooper, D. and Schindler, P. (2002). Business Research Methods (6th ed.). Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Joppe, Marion, Dr. (n.d.). The Research Process. Retrieved January 12, 2004 from