Darwin and Evolution

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Darwin and Evolution In 1831, Charles Darwin sailed to the Galapagos Islands on the HMS Beagle. Charles Darwin was only twenty when he left England in 1831. Thirty years later he published his theory of evolution, unquestionably one of the most revolutionary ideas science has ever known. Because of Charles Darwin's discoveries on these islands, much attention has been paid to them and many fascinating things have been discovered. Among the many questions were how so many …

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…finches probably descended from one type of ancestor and then, due to isolation and through chance, different climates and natural forces such as food availability and type, they evolved into thirteen different types of finches. The process of their evolution would probably have begun with immigrants from the mainland. As they dispersed to different islands, new populations would be formed. Every time these satellite populations dispersed, there would be greater difference between the individual species