Daniel boone

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Essay Database > History
Daniel Boone and the Settlement of Kentucky Written by George Leroe April 24th, 2003 AMH 1010 Professor Charles Deusner Daniel Boone and the Settlement of Kentucky Daniel Boone will always occupy a unique place in our history as the archetype of the hunter and wilderness wanderer. He was a true pioneer, and stood at the head of that class of Indian-fighters, game-hunters, forest-fellers, and backwoods farmers who, generation after generation, pushed westward the border of civilization from …

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…on his final hunting trip at the age of 83. Daniel Boone died on September 26, 1820 at the age of 85. In 1845 the remains of Boone and his wife were moved to Kentucky to rest in the great pioneer's "hunter's paradise." Bibliography Page Boraas, Tracey. Daniel Boone: frontier scout. (: Bridgestone Books, 2003 Greene, Carol. Daniel Boone: man of the forests. (: Children Press, 1990 Hargrove, Jim. Daniel Boone: pioneer trailblazer. (: Children Press, 1985 Zadra, Dan. Daniel Boone: in the wilderness. (: Creative Education, 1988