Dangerous Drivers

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Essay Database > Literature > English
General Purpose: To Persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to avoid dangerous drivers and steer away from being one. Introduction I. In August 1995, a 20-year old man, enraged after a fender bender with a 33-year old woman, pulled her out of her car and forced her to jump from a bridge into the Detroit River, where she drowned. II. Ugly incidents sparked by driver rage are becoming common on American roads. Usually highway spats …

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…man was getting off the highway on his way home from work, a guy in a Saab--a very professional, regular looking guy--was getting off behind him. b. The exit wasn't two lanes, but the guy wanted to squeeze past anyway. The other guy didn't want to pull over. c. When they were on the city street at a red light, the man got out of his car and started cursing and pounding on the window.