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Essay Database > History
Nothing has done more to perpetuate liberal myths about the Plains Indians than Kevin Costner's Dances With Wolves, the beautifully done and ever politically correct film that was the Academy Awards 1991 "Best Picture". The historical inaccuracies of this film were so gross as to be amusing. (My wife hates to go to films like this with me; I either gripe about the propaganda or giggle at its silliness.) My favorite was the scene where the …

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…Wolves" Costner committed cultural suicide. The film opens with Costner, depressed and frustrated by the Civil War, riding back and forth along enemy lines trying to get himself shot. Reassigned to the West, he encounters a crazed outpost commander who, after wetting his pants and babbling incoherently, blows out his brains. "Dances With Wolves" is best seen as an attempt to disparage traditional American culture, using as a vehicle the myth of the 'noble savage'.