Dam Impacts in Asia

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Hydro-electric power is the conversion of the kinetic energy of falling water into electricity. Of the world's electricity, 15% is produced in this fashion (Baird, Stuart. http://www.iclei.org/efacts/hydroele.htm, 07/09/00). In 1996 the demand for electricity in developing Asia was rising at 8% a year and the region has enormous potential for hydro-electric power (The Economist (US), Oct 12, 1996 v341 n7987 p66(1).). In order to produce hydropower, dams must be built. From an economic viewpoint, unless …

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…Jan 1994 v84 n1 p32(10). Kraushaar & Ristinen, 1993, Energy Problems of a Technical Society, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane. McCully, Patrick. A Critique of The World Bank's Experience with Large Dams : A Preliminary View of Impacts. Online. Internet. 05/09/00. Available from : http://www.irn.org/programs/finance/critique.shtml Parnwell & Bryant (Ed), 1996, Environmental Change in South East Asia, Routledge, London. Pottinger, Lori. The Environmental Impacts of Large Dams. Online. Internet. 05/09/00. Available from: http://www.irn.org/basics/impacts.shtml