Daisy's Role in The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In one of the greatest works of the Twentieth Century, The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald, there are many dynamic and round characters, which greatly add to the story's theme. One character, Daisy Fay Buchannon, is made essential by way of her relation to the theme. An integral part of the plot, Daisy conveys the meaning of the novel, with her multi-dimensional personality and her relation to the conflicts. Daisy Buchannon is a round …

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…something to hide. This is displayed in Gatsby, who is involved in the drug trafficking business -- almost a mobster. Yet he appears to be simply a smart businessman. Daisy contributes and is essential to the story through her personality, conflicts, and themes. Being a three- dimensional character, she is an excellent addition to the novel and greatly increases the meaning. Without her, the story would lack certain elements that are crucial to the theme.