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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Extracting DNA from the Bacterium Escherichia coliIntroduction Deoxyribonucleic acid is contained in all cells. The structure of DNA makes gene transmission possible. Since genes are segments of DNA, DNA must be able to make exact copies of itself to enable thenext generation of cells to receive the same genes. The DNA molecule looks like a twisted ladder. Each"side" is a chain of alternating phosphate and deoxyribose sugar molecules. The "steps" are formed bybonded pairs …

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…white andstringy, and there also was a considerable mass of DNA for so small of a sampling of bacteria. Thusproving, that there is a great quantity of DNA in E.coli cells. It had great assymetry. Its length was tremendous compared to its width. The length of the DNA molecule makes it very susceptible to splitting. The DNA fibers can be fractured very easily, and because of its length, solutions !of DNA are noticeable viscous.