DNA Microarray Technology. Basics of the DNA chips. Applications of DNA chips.

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DNA MICROARRAY TECHNOLOGY One of the most exciting nucleic acid analysis techniques is microarrays or DNA chips. They provide a radically different approach to large-scale analysis and qualification of genes and gene expression patterns. A microarray consist of an ordered arrangement of hundreds or thousands of DNA sequences such as oligonucleotides or cDNAs deposited onto a solid surface approximately 1,2 x 1,2 cm. The microarray technique is based on hybridization of nucleic acids. Sequence complementarity provides the …

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…of Biotechnology. 78:271-280. Lemieux, B., Aharoni, A., Schena, M. (1998). Overview of DNA chip technology. Molecular Breeding. 4:277-289. Raychaudhuri, S., Sutphin, P. D., Chang, J. T., Altman, R. B. (2001). Basic microarray analysis: grouping and feature reduction. TRENDS in Biotechnology. 19(5): 189-193. Wilson, K., Walker, J. (2000). Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Ye, R. W., Wang, T., Bedzyk, L., Croker, K. M. (2001). Applications of DNA microarrays in microbial systems. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 47:257-272.