DC history Speech

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Essay Database > Law & Government
I am a passive student at (______add a school_____)SHS. I'm standing before you today to discus some of or if not most of all the problems that we as DC's residents are facing. We must take in account upon the current, past, and present events that leave us in distrait emotions on how DC is being treated. We have problems that need amendable action. We need more work in the different departments that run …

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…live. Although I just wanted to bring to attention, some concerns that need to be token into consideration. I just think that if the cities people work harder as one, subsequently we can achieve greatly on any hindering problem that facilitates our way and needs solving. We also should situate additional crisis prevention facilities around neighborhoods. We can also vociferously unequivocally demand for our representation in congress to our fullest capabilities. We must work together.