DBQ for AP United States History. Talks about the validity of the demand for no taxation without representation being a primary source for revolution.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Britain's taxation on the American colonists greatly affected the relationship between the two nations. Moreover, the colonists were not being represented. The feeling of deprivation not only angered the Americans, but may have also opened their eyes to see the need of a revolutionary movement. Thomas Jefferson states in A Summary View of the Rights of British America that they "possessed a right, which nature has given to all men." The British deprived the colonists …

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…grew the more. The unfair treatment of the British to the Americans only pushed the colonists to their limit. Taxation without any representation, or benefits in return truly raised an issue of equality. The British has suppressed the colonists. Weary of this, the colonists moved towards a revolutionary movement, wanting to escape the British Crown and authority, but all the more, where they would take up on democracy in which they could practice equal representation.