Czech Republic

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…Limited, p. 18 2. Adams, p. 20 3. Adams, p.21 4. Rovere, Richard H. Senator Joe McCarthy (1959) Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing Company, pp. 122-123 5. McCarthy, Joseph R. McCarthyism, the Fight for America (1952) New York: Arno Press 6. Rovere, p.23 7. Matusow, Allen J. Joseph R. McCarthy (1970) Englewoods Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., p.6 8. Matusow, p.9 9. Blum, John M. The National Experience (1993) Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt Brace Jovanich, p. 800 10. Adams, p. 27 11. Adams, p. 27 12. Adams, p. 28 13. Blum, p. 823 14. Blum, p. 823 15. Rovere, p. 241-250