Czar Nicholas

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CZAR NICHOLAS Czar Nicholas II was born on May 6,1868 in Tscarskoe Selo, Russia. Nicholas was a well-educated child. He was also an intelligent man. His father was very strict so he spent most of his childhood in seclusion of the outside world. Czar was an unattractive man with brown hair and blue eyes. He always wore his hair down and parted to the left. He had a thick beard and mustache. One of his worst …

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…he took position as commander of the army. This was a poor decision because Alexandra was German (Russia's war enemy) and was also ignorant of many realities of politics. Czar Nicholas was a poor leader in my opinion. He and his whole family except for his youngest daughter Anastasia were assonated in Yekatinburg on July 16, 1918. He was also buried in that same town. That was a summary of Czar Nicholas II world war one contributions.