Custer's Last Stand

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Essay Database > History
The name of "Custer" has become a byword. Today, when someone is involved in seemingly hopeless circumstances references to "Custer's Last Stand" might be made. On the surface, and even after some investigation, the case could be made that Custer was the victim of his own mistakes and recklessness. This case cannot be confirmed, only opinionized and acknowledged to be a possible conclusion. The case made here is one which notes that the men under …

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…hands of Custer's leading commanders. Custer had received word, before he chose to go into battle, that reinforcements were comming shortly. If he had just waited one more day for these reinfocements, there would have been enough men to take on the Indian army. In the end it was Custer's big head and quest to become a celebrity lead him into the hands of the Indian forces and the battle that would become his demise.