Cushings Syndrome: The causes, effects, and treatments of the disease.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
The endocrine system disorder I chose to do my report on is Cushing's syndrome. The main cause of Cushing's syndrome is a small non-cancerous tumor on the pituitary gland that causes it to produce too much cortisol. The most noticeable symptoms are weight gain on the face and in other parts of the body. Cushing's syndrome is usually diagnosed by medical tests and x-rays. Treatment usually depends on the cause, but a full recovery happens …

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…the production of cortisol, but they too have side effects. In most all cases the disease can be cured.Today research is being done to better understand the pituitary gland and the effects of cortisol on the body. Because of this doctors are becoming better at diagnosing and helping people with Cushing's syndrome. Works Cited Anatomy and Physiology book