Curse of the Bambino vs. The Curse of the Billy Goat

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Introduction Imagine, if you will, a grown man shedding tears, even to go as far as saying crying his eyes out, his wounded heart left open to the world. This is what loving a cursed baseball team, such as the Chicago Cubs and the Boston Red Sox, does to a fan, every year in October. Why the Red Sox and Cubs? Because these are two of the world's most interesting teams with the most die-hard …

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…I was given condolences about the loss by many classmates, and I assured them that I was okay. "I expected this to happen," I said. But still their words didn't comfort me much. It's still 18 years since the Sox last won a pennant, and 86 years since their last World Series Championship. Like every fall I had endured so far in my life, all I had left to hold onto was the hope of next year.