Current Psychotherapies 5th edition by Raymond J Corsini

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Psychotherapy, as defined by Raymond Corsini, is the formal process of interaction between two parties, each consisting of one or more people, for the purpose of improvement in one of the parties relative to any or all of the following areas of malfunction or disability: Cognitive (disorders of thinking), affective (suffering or emotional discomforts) or behavioral (inadequacy of behavior). One of the parties, the therapist, must have some theory of personality origins, development, maintenance and …

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…own rights. In reading Current Psychotherapies, I discovered that I have developed an eclectic belief regarding psychotherapy treatment. I have come to realize that, although psychotherapy is a science, it leaves a tremendous amount of "gray area" for the clinician to experiment and discover. I strongly agree with Corsini's belief that if one is to go into the field of counseling and psychotherapy, then the best theory and methodology must be one's own. (Corsini, 1995, p.14)